You know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.
你知道0.6是一, 06之间有一点。
“After that a decimal point and two more zeros, ” he added.
Yes, I divided all those numbers by 10 by putting in a decimal point.
Katherine did manage to calculate a few decimal points further than that hunk of metal.
Katherine 成功算出来了比那大块头机器还多几个小数点。
Termly reports in secondary schools record pupils' marks, in Cartesian fashion, to the nearest two decimal points.
If it's addition or subtraction it's only the number of figures after the decimal point that matters.
第,它告诉你已经测量的数据多少。 第二,它告诉你这个值测量到多精准。
To the negative 1st power you move the decimal point one place to the left and you get 0.60.
因为那从仪表板上所能读到的资讯。 所以汽车可能以时速59.87390039英哩。
For the very small number, the decimal point needs to hop right over 19 digits and leaves us with 1.6.
Ooooo! Are we doing decimal points?
For the large number, the decimal point hops over 22 digits and is left with a 1 in front of it.
Normally we would read the numbers out after the decimal point.
I want a T-shirt that says " embrace the decimal point, " okay?
想要件印有“拥抱小数点”的 T 恤,可以吗?
He decided to decipher them by decimal point.
Notice that we use the word point when we are talking about the decimal point.
There was float, which is a real number with a decimal point.
You can have more significant digits after the decimal point, for instance.
You can't hide $500 million just by moving a few decimal points.
你不能移几个小数点 让5亿元消声匿迹。
You get one number, one comma, one decimal point wrong, and that money is mine.
你说错个数字 个逗号或小数点,那钱归了。
We've got some kids who (inaudible) kicked out of schools, who come in with a GPA that starts with a decimal point.
们有些被校开除的孩子,他们的 GPA 以小数点开头的。
When you say the numbers after the decimal point, you say them all separately, as individual numbers.
One, two, three, four, five, six decimal places, that's what we talk about after the decimal point.
、二、三、四、五、六位小数, 们讲的小数点后。